After finishing the hardwood floor, it was time to move the computer. What a pain in the neck. You'd think after 30 years of home computers, they'd make it easier. This time with an all-in-one iMac, was much like the time in 1981 when I moved my TRS-80 Model I.
You have scads of cables and cords, almost none of which are interchangeable. And after moving and rearranging you'll always find your longest cable is too short and your shortest cable is longer than it should be.
Our all-in-one iMac has a wireless network, printer, and two external hard drives. There's also a USB hub for all the other stuff, cameras, pdas, mp3 players, thumb drives, etc., that have to attached now and then. Oh, did I mention the UPS and three speaker setup?
By the way, according to
Wikipedia a USB is, "...Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a serial bus
standard to connect devices to a host computer." Note the word
standard. Just about every USB device we own uses a different USB connector. And the hub has all the connectors on the back of it. Why does everything have connectors on the back. My Dell had some connectors on the front, but they were hidden under an overhang behind a door and were harder to get to than the connectors on the back.
It took an hour or two, but everything was finally plugged together. I only forgot a couple of items - like the mouse which the iMac reminded me I forgot about - and one of the hard drives. I do of course have a rat's nest of cables under the desk in spite of the cable ties trying to keep them organized.
I'm not even going to go into all the accessories we have yet to move. Things like books, old and new CDs and DVDs, software packages, temporary cables and connectors and desk lights and what all.
Labels: electronics, install